1. What inspired you to become an author?
Books like The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton inspired me. Since I was a child, I always loved to write stories, but then I came across The Outsiders and it touched something inside of me. I began writing seriously about three or four years ago and when I started to write, I knew I wanted to tell a story that would touch others like The Outsiders touched me.
2. About how long did it take you to write Pushing the Limits?
I began writing it in the winter of 2009 and finished it in the spring of 2010.
3. Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?
Write. Read. Find a great critique group. Never give up.
I began writing because I have characters alive in my mind and stories they demand for me to tell. I love the rush of my fingers tapping against the keys as I delve into a scene that’s been begging to be released on the page. Try to never lose that joy.

4. What gave you the idea for Pushing the Limits?
I stumbled upon Echo’s voice one day when I was free writing for another story. She was sarcastic and funny and a bit heartbreaking so I decided to see where she would take me.
As I learned more about who Echo was, I began to think about when I was bitten by a dog in second grade and repressed the memory. It was a trying time in my life so I decided to give Echo a repressed memory.
I soon found Noah’s voice and the rest is history.
5. What are some things you enjoy doing with your free time?
I love to read, watch reality television, listen to music, and hang out with my family.
6. Two words you feel describe you best:
Can I do three? Wife, mom, and friend.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Katie!
I should have my review of Pushing the Limits up soon.
                                                               -Marissa A.K.A. YOUR VERY OWN FanGirl Hostess(: